Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Healthy Eating Habits

As a deep rooted wellness lover, I know the extraordinary significance of legitimate sustenance. As yet having the option to keep up a 30 inch waistline in my middle age, I believe that I ought to have enough demonstrated validity to give you a couple of tips on the best way to construct smart dieting propensities and make them stick. Physical movement is just half of the general wellbeing condition. The other half is nourishment. Furthermore, without smart dieting propensities, one won't have the option to accomplish great wellbeing and wellness. So it relies upon what you eat, and in this cutting edge time of accommodation and hurried daytime plans, it’s simple to eat unhealthy.So here are a few zones to consider that will help keep you on the correct wellbeing track. Teach Yourself On Food And Healthy Eating Habits In request to eat healthy, you need to comprehend which nourishments are really solid and which ones are most certainly not. Gain from perusing nourishment books and sites. Perhaps counsel a dietician to kick you off. Frequently, helpful nourishments are bound with an excess of salt, sugar and different fixings, which are not viewed as sound. These fixings can frequently be covered up, so it is significant as a feature of your training to figure out how to peruse food marks while at the grocer.Learn what fixings to evade, as significant segments are normally recorded first in the food names. Additionally confirm and look at fat substance since numerous food things †which are advanced as ‘low fat’ or ‘low calorie’ †may in any case be very high in fat. Being instructed on what is contained inside different sorts of food will help you get rid of a great part of the undesirable food you in any case may wind up eating. Figure out how To Substitute Foods And Ingredients In the days of yore, good dieting implied an eating routine of flat tasting food.I still recall that veggie burger that had an aftertaste like cardboard. Those days are fortunately gone as food innovation has improved altogether. A considerable lot of the lower fat renditions of food things (like cheddar and solidified yogurt) taste similarly in the same class as their standard â€Å"full-fat† adaptations. One can likewise still prepare incredible tasting food at home by essentially subbing a portion of the fixings. For instance, utilize olive oil rather than margarine for browning. Decrease salt by including flavors. Pick more slender cuts of meat and cut back off obvious excess before cooking.Something that I’ve done throughout the years is to radically eliminate red meats at home and increment my admission of fish and poultry. By learning some extraordinary plans with fish and poultry, I truly don’t miss red meat such much. One of the huge zones to substitute is in nibbling. Rather than pieces of candy or potato chips (or other low quality nourishment), attempt nuts or natural product. During the sw eltering summers, I keep a flexibly of solidified grapes and in the event that I want to snack on something, I simply snatch a couple of solidified grapes. Not exclusively are these solid, they are additionally reviving during hot temperatures.Keep Related Goals In Mind In request to assist you with adhering to good dieting propensities once you plan them, I find that it assists with remembering related objectives. For instance, each time I look in the mirror I try taking a gander at the state of my abs. I need to keep up a half better than average physical shape so what I find in the mirror is a steady update that I need to continue eating great. At the point when I see others around my age gathering or much more youthful than me who are in a bad way, I generally see that they are not eating healthy.They as a rule eat nourishments that are high in fat. Keeping attentive with this causes me considerably more to avoid terrible dietary patterns since I don’t need to wind up lik e those poor people who have released themselves in that division. Another objective that is progressively explicit is that I need to have the option to perform well on the ski slant throughout the winter and keep up my combative techniques lasting through the year. I can for the most part tie in my general execution levels in these games back to my eating routine as one of the components required.See if there are any related exercises that you need to do well that you can some way or another relate back to sustenance. At that point keeping this top of brain will assist you with avoiding terrible nourishments. All things considered, you don’t need to accuse terrible showing in your preferred exercises mostly on awful eating routine. Associate with Others Who Eat Healthy This last point is identified with having others help you in your objectives. Here and there it’s difficult to eat right when the entirety of your companions, relatives and associates eat unfortunate. S o ensure that you invest energy with others who as of now eat well.This will help move you to eat well too. You’re essentially utilizing cooperation to assist you with accomplishing the objective of practicing good eating habits. There’s actually no enchantment in how to assemble good dieting propensities and make them stick. Great wellbeing is long haul and the best way to accomplish it is through all the little triumphs that include when you have another sound feast and finish another exercise. Follow the above tips †as I do every single day †during your suppers and nibble periods to guarantee ideal wellbeing.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Reaction Paper About UNICEF Cities Failing Children Essay Example for Free

Response Paper About UNICEF Cities Failing Children Essay As a Filipino and youth of this nation, I’ve acknowledged UNICEF’s endeavors in respects with the youngsters who are out of luck. It is difficult to total information of the country’s status just to check how are the residents particularly the youngsters are dealt with and bolstered by the nations, especially of their neighborhood governments or urban areas where they are settling. Be that as it may, the report and information were gathered and detailed by State of the World’s Children of UNICEF however it was an article, revealed scarcely any years back (March 7, 2012), still it causes me to feel awkward and troubled, realizing that numerous kids are denied of most fundamental administrations and necessities that really they ought to have. Likewise, UNICEF refered to Philippines for instance of their article entitled, Cities Failing Children. The report expresses that kids (Filipinos) who live in poor urban much different class of urban networks experience hardships, for example, absence of not too bad lodging and restricted access to clean water and they are increasingly presented to catastrophe hazards and are likewise progressively inclined to disregard, misuse, and abuse. It demonstrates that our administration isn't doing the part that they ought to perform, similar to what we have gained from our past exercise, Power of the State †the three innate intensity of state explicitly the police power, which expresses that it is the sovereign capacity to advance and ensure the general government assistance; it is the most inescapable and the least limitable of the three forces of the express, the most fundamental, predictable and illimitable which empowers the State to restrict every destructive thing to the solace, security and government assistance of the general public, these simply gotten futile at all for actually, this force isn't as a rule completely practiced and rehearsed by our legislature. As I would see it, our legislature ought to at any rate apply additional compassion or consideration with this sort of issues as opposed to their own motivation and non-sense clashes of their gatherings. I think it isn't incomprehensible for the Philippines to fix and take care of this sort of issue on the off chance that we simply join together and our administration stop their not really required plans since I emphatically accept that the genuine abundance of the country is the youngsters and people to come, yet in the event that this difficult proceeds and won't be given consideration, I expect that next coming years will be all the more difficult to live for. In any case, it’s not late to accomplish something for this sort of issue it is simply a question of adoration, energy and genuineness of our administration and even ofâ us that are more honored than them. Further, I never lose trust that one day Philippine government and conceivably with the assistance of UNICEF, will utilize the intensity of the state to construct and make a superior future for our age particularly for those youngsters denied of their fundamental needs or even their essential rights and take care o f a great deal of issue inside these kids. Along these lines, as a Filipino educated regarding this issue, we should assume liability to accomplish something for our dearest nation. I have discovered that I ought to have not underestimate things that I have in light of the fact that practically 50% of our populace are denied of the essential needs that I as of now have. I don’t need to guarantee anything besides I will attempt to do as well as can be expected to serve and help our country. Trusting that following hardly any years, UNICEF’s report about Philippines even their report about the world will be better and be brimming with expectation and extraordinary future for the individuals and the vast majority of all, for the youngsters.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mini-Guide to the GIRs

Mini-Guide to the GIRs I feel slightly weird to be typing away on the MIT blogs again, when the farthest thing on my mind right now is MIT. BUT I feel like if I dont write this entry now, when I have so much time on my hands, this blog would never get written so here goes. Im also going to stray from the conventional path of telling you what options are available to you (Im sure you know that already, being the zealous beavers that you are), but rather Ill base everything on my own personal opinions and observations from freshman year. (Also, this is conveniently before you have to choose your courses for frosh year =p) Again, this is only my interpretation of the GIRs, so please ignore them if you think Im just being woozy in the head. :) 2. Chem fall, bio spring. This year, I went for Professor Landers 7.012 class in the fall being the awesome lecturer that he was. I learned a lot; Professor Lander was great, but we didnt have very many people in the class (it was ~200, at a time when 3.091 had so many people that the lecture was even broadcast into another room). A few inconveniences presented themselves as well the curve could have been a bit better with more people (intro bio assigns grades almost completely on a bell curve), and 3.091 got the lectures recorded on video (for the overflow room) so a lot of people didnt have to go to class (humph*) the same applied for 7.013 in the spring. Alright to be honest it isnt THAT inconvenient, but I always get this naggy feeling that intro courses are better if you do them with the big crowd, and for me, given a chance to do it again, I would do 5.111 in the fall and 7.013 in the spring. Professor Lander was great; but for me, I felt that it wasnt completely worth taking bio early (other than gloating at helping my roommates with their biology queries second semester =p). Also, I really want to address something about my 5.111 class in the spring. 5.111 in the spring, as you may have predicted from the size of 7.012 in the fall is small. We had perhaps no more than 70 students in the class. Contrary to what Ive been reading in the certain thread at College Confidential back in April, the class isnt notoriously instructed. Really, I dont know where that came from. Our two instructors had distinctly different teaching styles, but I didnt feel that anything was wrong with the class. Theres a lot of controversy about our second professor not assigning reading assignments just allow me to say that I feel if you are a student at MIT, you should be capable of divining a chart known as The Table of Contents and finding the relevant sections yourself. To take this as a sign of instructional negligence is in my humble opinion (IMHO) very excessive. /rant To be fair I did feel that 5.111 was a bit too small of an intro class for my liking. I would have preferred a much bigger chem class, and would probably have preferred taking 5.111 in the fall instead. This also frees me up to take 5.12 directly in the spring, and 5.13 sophomore fall. Given the current circumstances, I would have to postpone 5.13 all the way to junior fall. Oh and take 5.111 (or 5.112!) if youre interested in Course 5 or Course 7. I did peruse the 3.091 course content, and no offense to the people who took 3.091, but I feel 5.111 has a more comprehensive and useful chemical introduction if you feel like youre going to take additional chemistry courses in the future. (3.091 is a good course if you dont plan on seeing chemistry ever again like the way I am with physics, muahaha). 5.Not knowing calculus at MIT is like a fish not knowing how to swim. For the math requirement, please refer to This Meticulous Chart. Ive highlighted the common courses I see in pinkish magenta. The three most common paths I see for the Math GIR at MIT is: -If youve seen Calculus in high school and took Calc BC 18.02 -If youve seen Calculus in high school but isnt entirely comfortable with it (or didnt take Calc BC or the Calc ASE) 18.01/2A (the flip side to finish 18.02A you have to stay at MIT during IAP) -If youve never seen Calculus or isnt comfortable beyond basic integration/derivation 18.01. Either of these three paths have quite a decent number of people doing it, so theres no shame if you come in doing 18.01 when your friends might be doing 18.02 or (gasp!) 18.03/18.06 immediately. However, it IS important for you to get your Calc GIR out of the way as soon as possible, rather than prolong it till the very last moment (like what some people do with 7.01x or 8.02 taking it in their senior year). The main reason for this is that theres almost always some level of calc required in science/engineering courses at MIT (even in humanities courses like economics!), and youll be doing yourself a favor understanding 18.01/2 before going into those courses (unless youre planning on majoring on the humanities =p). Also Auroux for 18.02 in the fall is AWESOME! Do try to take that class unless you really have some pressing reason not to =p 10. Try to take a HASS class thats both CI-H and HASS-D in the fall. You need 2 CI-H classes to graduate, and you must take one during your frosh year, so why not make the best of it and kill two birds with one stone by taking a class that fulfills both requirements? (you need three HASS-D classes for the HASS GIR) Besides, youre on pass/no record first semester, so what do you have to lose? 17. On classes with extra decimal places (like 5.112, 8.012 (the advanced version)NOT 7.01x or 5.111, for example) The short and simple of it: Take as much advanced courses as you are able to handle. Before I launch into my rationale, I think it is important to note that I didnt take any advanced classes for my GIRs, and so you may take my treatise with a grain of salt (its from my observations of my peers who took advanced classes). MIT courses, to be simple, would probably be unlike anything youve seen in the past, especially if you didnt come from a very prestigious high school or a magnet science/tech school (at least it was that way for me). Also, college isnt like high school you would soon discover that a regular high school courseload of 7 courses isnt a feasible schedule at MIT unless youre superhuman (and they also exist at MIT, but in very small quantities =p). Its very much the same way with classes like 5.112 and 8.012 (sorry to mention them constantly, Im just using them as an example this also applies to courses like 8.022, 18.022). When people suggest that you should have a high level of chemistry coming in to 5.112 or be comfortable with calc coming in to 8.012, they do really mean it it isnt like your high school teacher saying Make sure you know Algebra 2 before taking Physics!. If you take those advanced courses be prepared to work theres no way that you can breeze through them like what a lot of people do first semester with their GIR courses (since its P/NR). Along with work comes, inevitably, some sacrifice with fun and social time. But on the flip side, as the blogger Paul probably realizes now, theres great rewards to have weathered a difficult class. Intellectual triumphs aside, theres the memorable communal-bonding pset sessions, a better grounding of the subject for subsequent courses, and bragging rights, to mention a few. =p Pass/no record exists as a smoother transition for an incoming frosh to the rigors of the MIT curriculum, living away from home, and making new friends. Yes it can also exist for academic masochism, but I have no doubt that youll see more than your share of it in the coming semesters. Personally, I didnt take any of these advanced courses, and I felt it WAS the best balance for me (even though I still had that naggy voice left over from high school in the back of my mind, You should be taking the MOST RIGOROUS courseload available!). Your balance may be taking both 5.112 AND 8.012 or it may simply be the same as mine. As you will quickly see after you get here, being at MIT is already privilege enough once you get in, it isnt like high school where all the brightest and greatest rush to fill up their schedules with AP classes. Theres no shame to be taking 18.01 when others are taking 18.02 youll all get to where you want to be in due time. You will undoubtedly find your own chord here, the same way that I did the same way that we all do. Interesting fact (confirmed by Mr. Matt McGann): Whether you take 8.01 or 8.012, it all shows up on your official transcript as Physics I. (so let the love of physics be the motivation of taking 8.012) Oh, one last note: DONT TAKE 8.012 just because you hate TEAL. I know, we preach about the evils of the Satan, also known as TEAL, but dont go for 8.012 just because you dont like 8.01T. It isnt worth it. :) 28. PE requirement Take PE courses during your frosh year! The last only one quarter each, and you only need 4 of them for your PE requirement (yes, theres a PE requirement at MIT!). You also should do it during your frosh year cuz its so much more fun taking PE courses with your friends =p. I recommend Sailing and Pistol. :) Also, do your swim test during Orientation and get it out of the way! Youll get a nice white T-shirt as a souvenir too =p 41. Suggested schedule Classes you should definitely ASE or AP out of (or take at earliest opportunity): 8.01, 18.01, 18.02. Suggested Schedule, assuming you have credit for 18.01 (as a lot do from the Calc BC exam): Fall Spring 8.01x 8.02x Chem Bio 18.02 MAJOR HASS HASS Seminar 9-unit class Note: During the spring semester, there are a number of 9-unit classes that are almost targeted directly at freshman, which conveniently fills the gap of your 9 credits and are very interesting (one such class was Snivelys toy design class). It may be worthwhile to shop around during Christmas/IAP to find those classes. Also, by MAJOR I meant that if you have 18.01 credit, you probably can begin taking your first class of your major as soon as the spring semester rolls around. If you dont have 18.01 credit, it only means that you should take 18.02 second semester instead of your major class. Moreover, the HASS spaces above arent completely rigid. You can opt not to take a HASS class second semester and take another class of your interest, but either way, I strongly suggest taking a CI-H+HASS-D HASS class first semester. Use P/NR to your advantage. Moreover x2, you dont have to fill up all 54 and 57 credits if you dont want to. Quite a few people just took 4 classes both semesters so suit yourself and do whatever is comfortable for you. Whew, that is a LOT of discourse on the GIRs. Hope you find it useful. =D And to prove that Im not completely boring, check out this awesome act from my high schools talent show (yes, I got to go to school for the last two weeks of my high schools spring semester and attend the seniors graduation! CONGRATS to all 08s that graduated!) Before you ask yes, this is an American high school in Taiwan. =p

Mini-Guide to the GIRs

Mini-Guide to the GIRs I feel slightly weird to be typing away on the MIT blogs again, when the farthest thing on my mind right now is MIT. BUT I feel like if I dont write this entry now, when I have so much time on my hands, this blog would never get written so here goes. Im also going to stray from the conventional path of telling you what options are available to you (Im sure you know that already, being the zealous beavers that you are), but rather Ill base everything on my own personal opinions and observations from freshman year. (Also, this is conveniently before you have to choose your courses for frosh year =p) Again, this is only my interpretation of the GIRs, so please ignore them if you think Im just being woozy in the head. :) 2. Chem fall, bio spring. This year, I went for Professor Landers 7.012 class in the fall being the awesome lecturer that he was. I learned a lot; Professor Lander was great, but we didnt have very many people in the class (it was ~200, at a time when 3.091 had so many people that the lecture was even broadcast into another room). A few inconveniences presented themselves as well the curve could have been a bit better with more people (intro bio assigns grades almost completely on a bell curve), and 3.091 got the lectures recorded on video (for the overflow room) so a lot of people didnt have to go to class (humph*) the same applied for 7.013 in the spring. Alright to be honest it isnt THAT inconvenient, but I always get this naggy feeling that intro courses are better if you do them with the big crowd, and for me, given a chance to do it again, I would do 5.111 in the fall and 7.013 in the spring. Professor Lander was great; but for me, I felt that it wasnt completely worth taking bio early (other than gloating at helping my roommates with their biology queries second semester =p). Also, I really want to address something about my 5.111 class in the spring. 5.111 in the spring, as you may have predicted from the size of 7.012 in the fall is small. We had perhaps no more than 70 students in the class. Contrary to what Ive been reading in the certain thread at College Confidential back in April, the class isnt notoriously instructed. Really, I dont know where that came from. Our two instructors had distinctly different teaching styles, but I didnt feel that anything was wrong with the class. Theres a lot of controversy about our second professor not assigning reading assignments just allow me to say that I feel if you are a student at MIT, you should be capable of divining a chart known as The Table of Contents and finding the relevant sections yourself. To take this as a sign of instructional negligence is in my humble opinion (IMHO) very excessive. /rant To be fair I did feel that 5.111 was a bit too small of an intro class for my liking. I would have preferred a much bigger chem class, and would probably have preferred taking 5.111 in the fall instead. This also frees me up to take 5.12 directly in the spring, and 5.13 sophomore fall. Given the current circumstances, I would have to postpone 5.13 all the way to junior fall. Oh and take 5.111 (or 5.112!) if youre interested in Course 5 or Course 7. I did peruse the 3.091 course content, and no offense to the people who took 3.091, but I feel 5.111 has a more comprehensive and useful chemical introduction if you feel like youre going to take additional chemistry courses in the future. (3.091 is a good course if you dont plan on seeing chemistry ever again like the way I am with physics, muahaha). 5.Not knowing calculus at MIT is like a fish not knowing how to swim. For the math requirement, please refer to This Meticulous Chart. Ive highlighted the common courses I see in pinkish magenta. The three most common paths I see for the Math GIR at MIT is: -If youve seen Calculus in high school and took Calc BC 18.02 -If youve seen Calculus in high school but isnt entirely comfortable with it (or didnt take Calc BC or the Calc ASE) 18.01/2A (the flip side to finish 18.02A you have to stay at MIT during IAP) -If youve never seen Calculus or isnt comfortable beyond basic integration/derivation 18.01. Either of these three paths have quite a decent number of people doing it, so theres no shame if you come in doing 18.01 when your friends might be doing 18.02 or (gasp!) 18.03/18.06 immediately. However, it IS important for you to get your Calc GIR out of the way as soon as possible, rather than prolong it till the very last moment (like what some people do with 7.01x or 8.02 taking it in their senior year). The main reason for this is that theres almost always some level of calc required in science/engineering courses at MIT (even in humanities courses like economics!), and youll be doing yourself a favor understanding 18.01/2 before going into those courses (unless youre planning on majoring on the humanities =p). Also Auroux for 18.02 in the fall is AWESOME! Do try to take that class unless you really have some pressing reason not to =p 10. Try to take a HASS class thats both CI-H and HASS-D in the fall. You need 2 CI-H classes to graduate, and you must take one during your frosh year, so why not make the best of it and kill two birds with one stone by taking a class that fulfills both requirements? (you need three HASS-D classes for the HASS GIR) Besides, youre on pass/no record first semester, so what do you have to lose? 17. On classes with extra decimal places (like 5.112, 8.012 (the advanced version)NOT 7.01x or 5.111, for example) The short and simple of it: Take as much advanced courses as you are able to handle. Before I launch into my rationale, I think it is important to note that I didnt take any advanced classes for my GIRs, and so you may take my treatise with a grain of salt (its from my observations of my peers who took advanced classes). MIT courses, to be simple, would probably be unlike anything youve seen in the past, especially if you didnt come from a very prestigious high school or a magnet science/tech school (at least it was that way for me). Also, college isnt like high school you would soon discover that a regular high school courseload of 7 courses isnt a feasible schedule at MIT unless youre superhuman (and they also exist at MIT, but in very small quantities =p). Its very much the same way with classes like 5.112 and 8.012 (sorry to mention them constantly, Im just using them as an example this also applies to courses like 8.022, 18.022). When people suggest that you should have a high level of chemistry coming in to 5.112 or be comfortable with calc coming in to 8.012, they do really mean it it isnt like your high school teacher saying Make sure you know Algebra 2 before taking Physics!. If you take those advanced courses be prepared to work theres no way that you can breeze through them like what a lot of people do first semester with their GIR courses (since its P/NR). Along with work comes, inevitably, some sacrifice with fun and social time. But on the flip side, as the blogger Paul probably realizes now, theres great rewards to have weathered a difficult class. Intellectual triumphs aside, theres the memorable communal-bonding pset sessions, a better grounding of the subject for subsequent courses, and bragging rights, to mention a few. =p Pass/no record exists as a smoother transition for an incoming frosh to the rigors of the MIT curriculum, living away from home, and making new friends. Yes it can also exist for academic masochism, but I have no doubt that youll see more than your share of it in the coming semesters. Personally, I didnt take any of these advanced courses, and I felt it WAS the best balance for me (even though I still had that naggy voice left over from high school in the back of my mind, You should be taking the MOST RIGOROUS courseload available!). Your balance may be taking both 5.112 AND 8.012 or it may simply be the same as mine. As you will quickly see after you get here, being at MIT is already privilege enough once you get in, it isnt like high school where all the brightest and greatest rush to fill up their schedules with AP classes. Theres no shame to be taking 18.01 when others are taking 18.02 youll all get to where you want to be in due time. You will undoubtedly find your own chord here, the same way that I did the same way that we all do. Interesting fact (confirmed by Mr. Matt McGann): Whether you take 8.01 or 8.012, it all shows up on your official transcript as Physics I. (so let the love of physics be the motivation of taking 8.012) Oh, one last note: DONT TAKE 8.012 just because you hate TEAL. I know, we preach about the evils of the Satan, also known as TEAL, but dont go for 8.012 just because you dont like 8.01T. It isnt worth it. :) 28. PE requirement Take PE courses during your frosh year! The last only one quarter each, and you only need 4 of them for your PE requirement (yes, theres a PE requirement at MIT!). You also should do it during your frosh year cuz its so much more fun taking PE courses with your friends =p. I recommend Sailing and Pistol. :) Also, do your swim test during Orientation and get it out of the way! Youll get a nice white T-shirt as a souvenir too =p 41. Suggested schedule Classes you should definitely ASE or AP out of (or take at earliest opportunity): 8.01, 18.01, 18.02. Suggested Schedule, assuming you have credit for 18.01 (as a lot do from the Calc BC exam): Fall Spring 8.01x 8.02x Chem Bio 18.02 MAJOR HASS HASS Seminar 9-unit class Note: During the spring semester, there are a number of 9-unit classes that are almost targeted directly at freshman, which conveniently fills the gap of your 9 credits and are very interesting (one such class was Snivelys toy design class). It may be worthwhile to shop around during Christmas/IAP to find those classes. Also, by MAJOR I meant that if you have 18.01 credit, you probably can begin taking your first class of your major as soon as the spring semester rolls around. If you dont have 18.01 credit, it only means that you should take 18.02 second semester instead of your major class. Moreover, the HASS spaces above arent completely rigid. You can opt not to take a HASS class second semester and take another class of your interest, but either way, I strongly suggest taking a CI-H+HASS-D HASS class first semester. Use P/NR to your advantage. Moreover x2, you dont have to fill up all 54 and 57 credits if you dont want to. Quite a few people just took 4 classes both semesters so suit yourself and do whatever is comfortable for you. Whew, that is a LOT of discourse on the GIRs. Hope you find it useful. =D And to prove that Im not completely boring, check out this awesome act from my high schools talent show (yes, I got to go to school for the last two weeks of my high schools spring semester and attend the seniors graduation! CONGRATS to all 08s that graduated!) Before you ask yes, this is an American high school in Taiwan. =p

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Themes Of Love And Tragedy Essay - 2478 Words

Nicolas Sparks once said, â€Å"All love stories have themes of love and tragedy.† Throughout my life, my father and mother tried to show me how to love unconditionally, making this the most important thing in life. We never hung up the phone, or even left the room without saying I love you first. Flash forward 10 years; all the love that filled my childhood home is replaced with screams and blood covering the floor. Two days later, on Christmas morning, my mother is sobbing uncontrollably while her and my father discuss divorce. The conflict of my parents divorce changed my life, and perspective forever. I remember one night my mom had gone out to YellowFin, her favorite bar, with one of her ‘lovers’. My dad had told her repeatedly that he didn’t like her going out with men she had had previous sexual relationships with without him. My dad stayed calm, and stayed home with my little brother and sister. My mother got too drunk to drive, and the man she was out with couldn’t deal with her, so he called ‘home’ in her phone and asked my father to come pick her up. When they got home, she couldn’t stand and my dad had to carry her up the steps and put a trashcan next to her bed. Another night, my dad drank a little too much after being fed up with my mother’s partying. He wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine. I was at my boyfriend’s house, and she came to pick me up because she said she couldn’t handle it and she didn’t want to stay at the house with him. We stoppedShow MoreRelatedTypes Of Poetry : A Poem Which Deals With Religious Themes, Love, Tragedy, Domestic Crimes, Essay2495 Words   |  10 Pagesdeals with religious themes, love, tragedy, domestic crimes, and even sometimes propaganda. Example- â€Å"Rime of an Ancient Mariner† is an example of a lyrical ballad. ‘Day after day, day after day We stuck nor breathe, nor motion; As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean’ 2. Lyric poem: Any short poem that presents a singular speaker who expresses thoughts and feelings. Love lyrics are common. Sonnets and odes also apply. Example- Fallen by Freddie Robinson Jr. I fall in love so easily The simplestRead MoreEssay on Consequences of Love and Hate Explored in Romeo and Juliet1075 Words   |  5 PagesWritten by the substantially renowned English poet, and playwright, William Shakespeare, the play Romeo and Juliet is written in a poetic disquisition that distinguishes many timeless themes. These themes transcend the boundaries of this perennial classic into the foundation of many prevailing modern-day literary workings. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in the late fifteen hundreds in the riveting city of Verona, Italy, where it has since been revered as one of the most preeminent and recognizedRead MoreNot Only Did The Effects Of War Negatively Influence Henry’S1282 Words   |  6 PagesNot only did the effects of war negatively influence Henry’s actions, the theme of tragedy and the horrors of war also influence the entire Italian Army. For example, in Moddelmog’s literary analysis, the author refers back to novel to discuss the temptations t hat are depicted by Hemingway to give an accurate representation of the daily lives of the soldiers and the author hints at a justification for their actions: â€Å"It might sound sordid, but during war who can blame soldiers for seeking pleasurableRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s All The World s A Stage 1540 Words   |  7 Pagesbe applied to his literature within his tragedies (William Shakespeare 1). 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Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale based on two young star-crossed lovers whose deathsRead MoreThe Comedic Tragedy Of A Tragic Comedy1590 Words   |  7 PagesThe Comedic Tragedy of a Tragic Comedy William Shakespeare was always known for the vast range of narrative skills that his writing exemplified. When one thinks of his plays a plethora of different genres come to mind. Shakespeare had a knack for writing plays that could be classified by genres on each end of the spectrum and in between as well. His repertoire includes heartfelt comedies, all the way to the other extreme, which are drama-filled tragedies. Each genre brings about a necessity forRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis884 Words   |  4 Pagesuniversal themes, in his 16th century tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, appealing to the audience during the time which it was produced. Hence it raises the question of how effective would Baz Luhrmanns 1996 film be as appealing to a 20th century audience? Luhrmann’s form of displaying the original play as a film, is a significant modern appropriation, as the audience can physically see the play unfolding, identifying the films effectiveness. By drawing on the origina l themes of violence and love, and introducingRead MoreEmily Bronte s Hamlet And Wuthering Heights 1307 Words   |  6 PagesIt consists of three parts; the first one defines the word revenge and explains where the theme of revenge comes from and how it has expended to other types of literary works until these days. The second part of the study, is supported by exemplifies Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet. The last part of the paper, provides Emily Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s novel, Wuthering Heights as a good example; because one of the main themes in it is revenge. Introduction Some people consider it to be the best way to get back at someone;Read MoreEssay on Theme of Conflict in Romeo and Juliet583 Words   |  3 Pages‘Romeo and Juliet’ by William Shakespeare incorporates the theme of conflict through many different characters and situations. The definition of conflict is â€Å"a fight, battle, or struggle; especially a prolonged struggle; strife† The play mainly focuses on the tragic lives of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet; the two characters belong to the Montague and Capulet households respectively, which have held ongoing grudges against each other for years. The play ends with both main characters committingRead MoreEssay On Human Experience In Romeo And Juliet1054 Words   |  5 PagesJuliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare circa 1595. The play consists of two love-struck protagonists who become star-crossed due to belonging to two rival families who are constantly at each other’s throats. It begins with t he prologue which states that the play will finish with a double suicide between Romeo and Juliet. This causes the whole play to be dramatically ironic as we, the readers, know the fate they will be struck with well before they do. Shakespeare uses themes of love versus

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Writing and Page Number Essay - 605 Words

QUESTION How does Von Drehle’s examination of this 1911 tragedy in New York City shed light on many of the major political, economic, and social developments and changes that occurred in both the city and the United States during the first decades of the twentieth century? Be sure to support your generalizations with specific evidence and examples. INSTRUCTIONS Remember, this is not a book review, but an analytical essay that responds directly to the question posed above. You should make a clear argument, or thesis statement, in the first paragraph, and back it up with persuasive evidence. Concentrate primarily on Von Drehle’s book, but feel free to use selected evidence that you find compelling from the textbook, Power†¦show more content†¦Consider the difference between the declarations that the North won the Civil War and the North used its greater population and industrial might to defeat the Confederacy. Or, alternately, consider the difference between the following statements: â€Å"The South lost the Civil War† and â€Å"Ultimately, the South failed to muster the manpower, resources, and popular will necessary to win the war against the Union.† You are encouraged to review the guide to writing a history essay and sample essays posted on our Blackboard class site. †¢ In general, an excellent essay will have an insightful, important, and clear thesis which responds directly to the question(s) posed in the essay prompt and is supported by well-organized evidence. †¢ A good essay will have a reasonably clear if not overwhelmingly brilliant thesis that is responsive to the question(s) and is supported by a fair amount of evidence. †¢ An average essay has either a flawed thesis or weak evidence, often combined with an unclear or jarring writing style. †¢ A poor essay has no real thesis, rambling specific facts, and is internally contradictory as well as poorly written. I assume that you all remember my dire warnings about plagiarism and academic integrity from our recent class discussion about writing history essays. You are of course free – and encouraged – to discuss the substance of the class readings and discussion, but the conceptualizing and writing of theShow MoreRelatedHow To Write A Good Research Paper1057 Words   |  5 PagesA Research Paper is a type of academic writing that needs more theoretical, significant and methodical level of question. Although a research paper is a kind of term paper, some term papers don’t require academic research. Not all research papers can be considered as term papers. An objective of writing a research paper is to allow people to read the work selectively. In order to make an impression over the reader, in other words to make a paper readable following some points should be noted: ï‚ §Read MoreMla vs. Apa1042 Words   |  5 Pageson the subject of your writing. Usually, APA is used to cite writings that have a social science focus such as Psychology, Business, the Social Sciences, Economics, Medicine, and Criminal Justice and Law. On the other hand, MLA is often used to cite writings that have humanity focus such as Literature, Mass Communications, and Media. This is about all I knew on the subject so that is where my research came into play. I got all my information from the Purdue Online Writing Lab. From my research IRead MoreBasic Structure of an APA Style Paper 1199 Words   |  5 PagesBasic Structure of an APA Style Paper Abstract APA (American Psychological Association) Style writing is widely used across all fields of study and is regularly used to cite sources within the social sciences. This paper details the basic structure of an APA paper, provides resources and tips to assist authors during the writing process. As stated by the Publication Manual of the APA, an abstract is â€Å"a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article;Read MoreApa Format Cheat Sheet1298 Words   |  6 Pages   APA Format Cheat Sheet       General Document Guidelines   Hint: Use an APA template! | Marginsp. 229 | 1† at the top, bottom, left, and right of every page | Spacingp. 229 | Double space entire paper—no extra spaces (exception: a heading by itself at the bottom of a page—move heading to next page) | Alignment  p. 229 | Flush left (not justified--right margin should be uneven) | Typefacep. 228   | 12-pt Times New Roman   | Paragraphs and Indentations  p. 87; 229 | 1. Indent theRead MoreImportance Of Information On Creating A Works Cited Page821 Words   |  4 Pageson creating a works cited page When creating a Works Cited page, it is important to be aware of why one needs to create a Works Cited page, it is used to show the reader the sources that the writer referenced in their essay, by doing this the writer can be assured that they won’t be accused of plagiarizing if they cite all of their sources. The page of citations should be separate from the essay or paper that one is writing, it usually is placed right after the final page of the paper that was writtenRead More stem cell ethics Essay1706 Words   |  7 Pages MLA style also specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing and also provides a writers with a system for cross-referencing their sources--from their parenthetical references to their works cited page. This cross-referencing system allows readers to locate the publication information of source material. This is of great value for researchers who may want to locate your sources for their own research projects . The proper use of MLA style also shows theRead MoreAp The American Psychological Association1447 Words   |  6 Pagesoriginated in 1929 when a group of scholarly men got to together and decided to come up with a set of rules to guide people and make it easier to understand scientific writing. Rules and guidelines for APA style are found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. People who generally use this type of writing style include students and educators in social and behavioral sciences. General Requirements for APA For every APA paper that is typed, each one is going to haveRead MoreThe Occupational Health And Safety Standards836 Words   |  4 Pagesto do their job safely. Here are 5 simple steps to follow: 1. Justification – Ensure there is a genuine reason for writing a procedure. 2. Identify User – Who will be the using the procedures and the task involved. 3. Procedure Format – Use a simple and free-flowing method. 4. Writing Style – Make sure you write for the intended user. 5. Document Control Step 1: Justification The number one rule is to make sure there’s a justifiable reason to create a procedure. It will be impossible to develop effectiveRead MoreAshford MAT 222 WEEK 1 TO 5 Essay1280 Words   |  6 Pagescomplete this assignment: 1. Solve problem 56 on page 437 of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra. Set up the two ratios and write your equation choosing an appropriate variable for the bear population. 2. Complete problem 10 on page 444 of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra. Show all steps in solving the problem and explain what you are doing as you go along. 3. Write a two to three page paper that is formatted in APA style and according to the Math Writing Guide.   Format your math work as shown inRead MoreSearch Engine Optimization Website Content Writing Services911 Words   |  4 PagesSEO website content writing services Search engine optimization is gradually becoming a rage in the current times. More and more companies, businessmen around the globe are spending in the websites and their promotion. To attract the highest number of visitors, it is necessary to keep your web content appealing, easily understandable and helpful. Writing SEO content is a specialized skill that is obtainable from most professional article services websites. In order to attain a high ranking place

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Does Health Essay Topics for High School Students Mean?

What Does Health Essay Topics for High School Students Mean? The Hidden Truth About Health Essay Topics for High School Students Health science professionals are available in many diverse places. Since there are lots of diverse regions of health science, the forms of careers are equally as numerous. Going to a debate, students have to contemplate their degree of education to decide on an appropriate topic that suits both your requirements and your level. So, both students of healthcare programs and students of any other specialty may have a task to compose an essay on health topic. How to Get Started with Health Essay Topics for High School Students? Debating is a helpful practice for all people as a result of the experience and skills it provides you. Participants are given a stipend of $3,500 to aid with travel and housing expenses. Not just that but students will be in a position to access their online courses and be in a position to follow along with the lecture throug h powerpoints. All students ought to be asked to perform 1 year of community support. It's possible for you to pick topics from assorted lists of ready themes. Therefore, the topic ought to be debatable! Deciding upon a superb topic can be difficult. You will probably locate a different and good topic you will love to write about. Remember your final grade significantly is based on the topic. If you're in a college and wish to compose an argumentative essay, you should pick a subject of high importance. The teachers don't always assign the specific topic. The Downside Risk of Health Essay Topics for High School Students The main aim of topic choice for a proposal essay is to demonstrate the idea can be put into place in practice. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you should demonstrate your analytical skills. Very often it becomes tough to choose one particular topic either due to the many ideas in the student's head, or due to their complete absence. Every time a student works on another body paragraph, it's recommended to mention the most important section's idea on the distinct paper to compose a conclusion faster. An argumentative paper is part of the persuasion. In reality, plenty of argumentative essays are in fact persuasive papers. Writing an argumen tative essay can occasionally be confusing since you don't necessarily understand how to compose a convincing argument. Writing a persuasive, argumentative essay can be challenging, and at times it can find a little confusing. Your essay should consist of recent statistics and data from reliable sources. If your essay isn't an imaginative narrative, don't forget to do a little research on the topic before you begin prodding your pen on the paper. To locate argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you will need to comprehend about the argumentative essay. Writing a great essay might be a bit of cake if you are feeling inspired. Lies You've Been Told About Health Essay Topics for High School Students Writing about nuclear weapons is always an excellent idea. For instance, you can opt for a topic for elementary, middle, or higher school. English language classes usually expect a lot of writing. The Fundamentals of Health Essay Topics for High School Students Revealed You can't control anybody's opinion, and everyone is eligible to make their own choices, even if it has to do with smoking. Reducing smoking can be achieved through education, as smoking isn't something you wish to advocat e for. The problem is there are so many folks that are still smoking. For instance, the subject of sex education can be simplified into multiple lessons by teaching not just the facts of reproduction, but the maturation of the fetus and the whole birthing procedure. The comments created by the high school students gave some indication about which qualities they preferred. To defend your subject, you might recall the effect of overloaded schedule on college grades. On our site you'll find a great deal more useful exceptional information that is certain to be handy for junior and higher school kids from, like common home task essay about Hamlet, and, for instance, application essays for college for future students. Many students haven't any idea what it is even though it's an average undertaking. Argumentative essay is about arguing and debating on a subject, which is debatable. Argumentative debate topics cover specific problems, problems, phenomenon or subjects you could del iberate. It's needless to say that you should choose a subject that you regard as interesting. One other important element when picking a persuasive speech topic is to select a topic that may provoke your audience a little. When you choose a topic, you have to reply to the query and after that substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. Following are various kinds of essay topics for students that are categorized in many sections so you can easily chose the topic according to your need and requirement. Thus, the topic is going to have to be well thought out because it is going to establish the caliber of your paper. Deciding upon a topic is a vital issue that partly estimates final success of the job.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management SWOT Analysis

Question: Discuss about the case study Management for SWOT Analysis. Answer: Introduction Basically, for this research paper, Air New Zealand is selected as organization that is one of the major and leading domestic as well as international airline company providing transport and air passenger service within various nations including United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, North America, Asia, South West Pacific etc. Additionally, in the context of this research paper, different strategic management tools including PESTLE, Porters five force model, value chain analysis, SWOT analysis is conducted in order to analyze and evaluate the strategic position of Air New Zealands organization. On the other hand, in this research paper strategic options are would evaluate to meet its objectives. External Environment Analysis In this section of the research paper, the external environment for the Air New Zeeland would be analyzed to know the external factors affecting the success of the organization. PESTLE: It is an essential tool that aides in investigating the political, economic, lawful, social, technological, and ecological components influencing the accomplishment of Air New Zeeland in the business. Political: The political dependability in New Zeeland is entirely high that plays a considerable role in order to build up supportive as well as consistent policies and guidelines for Airline industry. Along with this, the supportive political environment is cooperative to Air New Zeeland in order to keep up flow in operations as a result of fair competition, and tax policies as well as trade tariffs (Capon Hulbert, 2007). Economic: Recent monetary downturn at worldwide level has decreased the execution of a few organizations in the New Zeeland market. Ineffectualness of organization's business operations has incredibly lessened their liquidity, riches money related execution straightforwardly. In any case, GDP of New Zeeland had enhanced from the most recent three years and it expands the obtaining influence of clients that can build the interest of aircraft administration (Dobson, Starkey, and Richards, 2009). Socio-cultural: It is momentous for the Airline firms to think about way of life, and social as well as cultural qualities in business sector in order to meet up the needs of patrons. in addition to this, diverse social along with cultural aspects for example, way of life, education as well as pay level, cultures, convictions, and so forth significantly affect inclinations of clients that may have an impact on the accomplishment of Air New Zeeland in the business (Carayannis, 2010). Technological: By utilizing propelled advances, and information systems, Air New Zeeland can expand the client encounter and get development its administrations. However, at the same time, with a specific end goal to manage these technologies, there is need of skilled and practiced personnel that can spread out the expenditure of business operations of Air New Zeeland and decrease productivity (Drummond, Ensor, and Ashfor, 2007). Ecological: At the present time, environmental forces of a company are evaluated by various associates, for instance, government, patrons, suppliers, and also local group. In any case, the organization has received a few supportability practices and CSR practices to conquer the issues. Legitimate: After current money related downturn, the legislature of New Zeeland has executed strict standards as well as directions in diverse commercial ventures in order to manage different business activities of businesses. Along with this, legislative environment of nation is a bit strict and also involve momentous rules as well as regulation in order to control business activities in a systematic way. In this way, lawful variables may influence the accomplishment of Air New Zeeland in the business sector (Boone, and Kurtz, D.L, 2011). Porters 5 Forces: Porters five forces analysis firm strategic performance that is indicated requirement of changes in strategy for long-term business profitability. Moreover, Porter 5-forces apply in this paper to discover strategic changes effectiveness of Air New Zeeland (Evans, Richardson, 2007). Rivalry among Competitors (High/ intense): The competition in the airline business is too high because of several reasons. For case, the main reason is that, at present the business is very active. Moreover, the business is in its mature stage in current. Along with this, in this industry, the number of competitors will remain the same in the long run. The profits are too high in this industry. So, business wants to stay in business for the long time period (Hill, Jones, 2012). Threat of new entrants (Low-Moderate): Threat of new participants is low for the airline business. Along with this, there are two aspects that may lift up the threat level for the industry. First of all, there is very low switching costs and the second one is that there are no exclusive products as well as services in this industry. In spite of these two major aspects, the airline industry has low threat on the whole (Analoui, and Karami, 2003). Bargaining power of suppliers (High): Airplane manufactures are the major supplier in the airline industry. The bargaining power of suppliers is high in this industry. Airline companies look like to separate with facilities. Along with this, airline companies have long-term agreements with their suppliers; and they cannot switch to other suppliers easily. Bargaining Power of Buyers (High): There is low haggling force of extravagance purchasers on the grounds that couple accessibility of rebates for extravagance products and negligible advancements by the organizations (Kim, Song, and Kim, 2009). Threat of substitutes (Moderate): The airline industry has a medium substitute threat level. The main reason behind it is that there are numerous substitutes available in this industry. Along with this, patrons can opt for different form of transportation for instance train, an auto, bus, car, and so on to arrive at their end. But, the cost of transport may be a reason to switch in the industry (Faarup, 2010). Internal Audit In this section of the research paper, value chain analysis is conducted for the company to analyze both intangible, tangible assets with regards to kills/competencies. Moreover, a clear understanding of the financial situation and core competences and competitive advantage would be developed by using value chain analysis. Value Cain Analysis: Value chain is a strategic mechanism of internal investigation that is utilized to break down the adequacy of different essential exercises and steady exercises to get upper hand in the business sector. Value chain is broadly connected key apparatuses by associations to recognize their quality and shortcoming of worth chain. Value chain identifies with the majority of the capacities that are vital for conveying the items or administrations to the clients in the business sector. Value chain Analysis can be characterized as a critical and thorough procedure that assumes a key part to perceive the essential and also bolster exercises of a business association. Likewise, this investigation is additionally utilized by the association as a part of request to add the quality to the last results of the association. It likewise manages distinctive exercises that are more useful for the association to decrease cost and expand separation of the items in a powerful and legitimate way (Kliatchko, 2005). These exercises are clarified as beneath: Primary Activities: The Primary activities of value chain analysis are associated with the physical creation, sale, and maintenance as well as support of a product or service. These primary exercises include: Inbound logistics: Air New Zeeland inbounds logistics operations are mind boggling and include the convenient conveyance of armada of planes, cooking items and an extensive variety of other on-load up items. The need to guarantee the freshness of sustenances and beverages served amid the flights further convolutes Air New Zeeland inbounds logistics essential exercises. Operations: Generally, operations stage consists of arranging products as well as services to be sold to patrons. As the New Zeeland's biggest universal planned carrier, Air New Zeeland flies all around to more than 250 destinations. Consequently, the extent of its business operations is broad. Air New Zeeland Airways has a scale of upper hands in operations part of the business all the way through providing its clients enlarged security for their belongings, offering fast check-in services and recommending a number of services for instance ticket bookings as well as online booking of other services. Also, an abnormal state of customization of administration arrangement and a broad usage of advanced advances in an extensive variety of business procedures speak to strong hotspots for extra esteem for Air New Zeeland (Amason, 2010). Outbound logistics: These exercises disseminate the items and administrations to the client. Outbound logistics includes sending prepared items to clients for utilization. Air New Zeeland flies to airplane terminals in various nations overall including United Kingdom, North America, Australia, Asia, and South West Pacific. The aircraft determines esteem in outbound logistics essential operations through proficient treatment of things in the purpose of destination and using a propelled data and correspondence frameworks (Munizzo, and Musial, 2010). Marketing sales: These exercises elevate the clients to buy the items/administrations of a particular firm as look at its rivals. Air New Zeeland advertising methodology is coordinated at the correspondence of the promoting message to the objective client fragment. The showcasing message endeavors to relate the Air New Zeeland brand with effectiveness, unwavering quality, security and comfort (Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor, 2014). Service: These activities assume an imperative part to keep up the estimation of the items and in addition administrations in the psyches of the clients. Air New Zeeland focuses on money related interests in a methodical way with a specific end goal to upgrade the different parts of its administration arrangement (Aaker, Kumar, and Day, 2008). Support Activities: The support activities bolster the elements of the essential exercises in a proper way. These Support exercises includes Procurement: These activities are the securing of inputs and assets for the firm. Human asset administration: These exercises are connected with the selecting, procuring, preparing, improvement, and so on of the representatives (Punj and Moon, 2002). Technological development: These exercises include research and advancement, mechanization process and other imperative innovations that backing the quality chain exercises in a compelling way. Infrastructure: This includes money, quality administration, authoritative and legitimate exercises to accomplish the focused exercises appropriately. Summary of Analysis SWOT Analysis: Summary of key issues and justification of internal and external analysis using Strategic Tool SWOT analysis: Strengths Weaknesses Strong competition from foreign players and LCCs Increasing Fuel cost Increasing labor cost Technological problem Tax changes Price changes Increasing rates of interest Brand mindfulness and number of destinations are lesser contrasted with worldwide mammoth Restricted operations and piece of the pie because of overwhelming rivalry Less efficiency Little specialty units Aggressive business sector Absence of interests in innovative work Opportunities Threats Vital organization together with Qantans will reinforce its position in the business Chances to make a solid brand picture Developing economy Development rates and gainfulness New acquisitions New products as well as services Pay level is at a consistent raise Solid rivalry from remote players and LCCs Expanding Fuel cost Expanding work cost Mechanical issue Tax changes Value changes Rising rates of interest Developing rivalry and lower productivity (Air New Zeeland. 2016) Strategic Options Justification There are several strategic options are available for the Air New Zeeland Airline that must be used by the company to improve its position in the industry. Option: 1 Develop new products for new market segments Option: 2 Improve Market share and strategic Position by using innovative strategies Among these two, the company should adopt the strategic option second. As indicated by this, the organization ought to receive cost authority procedure with a specific end goal to improve the level of piece of the overall industry and create more income. For instance, with the compelling utilization of this technique, the organization would have the capacity to get different critical upper hands in the business over its compotators. Then again, the organization ought to likewise concentrate on fulfilling the necessities and needs of clients by offering them amazing, quality and exceptional administrations at the most ideal expense. For instance, the organization ought to have built up a solid client base of illustrious client by giving quality administration at the lower cost in the business sector. This vital alternative would help the association in creating more deal, income and productivity in a powerful and appropriate way. In addition, in today's globalized business era, the organization must embrace Ansoff network as a development procedure that attention on various parts of business operations (Reynolds, and Lancaste, 2013). This key choice would help the organization to break down, assess and get the development open doors in the different business ranges. These are talked about as beneath: Market Penetration (Protect/Build): By embracing and considering this development system, Air New Zeeland ought to concentrate on enhancing its promoting methodologies and endeavors viably. For instance, the organization ought to lead inventive and dynamic promoting/publicizing program, dedication program, growing administrations (Aaker, Kumar and Day, 2008).. Product Development: according to this procedure, the organization tries to present new carrier administrations in the business to draw in the clients. Diversification: Today, Air New Zeeland ought to be centered on enhancement to go into the new aircraft market Conclusion On the basis of above discussion, it can be accomplished that, it is essential for business organizations to analyze both internal as well as external business situation by using strategic tools in order to achieve competitive advantages and to improve market share in the marketplace in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. References Aaker, D.A., Kumar, V. Day, G.S. (2008). Marketing Research (9th ed). India: Wiley-India. Air New Zeeland. (2016). About Us. Retrieved From: Amason, A. (2010). Strategic Management: From Theory to Practice. UK: Taylor Francis. Analoui, F. Karami, A. (2003). Strategic Management in Small and Medium Enterprises. USA: Cengage Learning EMEA. Boone, L.E. and Kurtz, D.L. (2011). Contemporary Business. (ed.). UK: John Wiley and Sons. Capon, N. Hulbert, J. M. (2007). Managing Marketing in the 21st Century: Developing and Implementing the Market Strategy. Wessex Publishing. Carayannis, E. (2010). Strategic Management of Technological Learning. USA: CRC Press. Dobson, P.W., Starkey, K. Richards, J. (2009). Strategic Management: Issues and Cases (2nd ed.). UK: John Wiley Sons. Drummond, G., Ensor, J. Ashfor, R. (2007). Strategic Marketing. UK: Routledge. Evans, C. Richardson, M. (2007). Strategy in Action Assessing the Environment. British Journal of Administrative Management, 60, 1-3. Faarup, P.K. (2010). The Marketing Framework. USA: Academica. Hill, C. Jones, G. (2012). Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. USA: Cengage Learning. Kim, Y.A., Song, H.S. Kim, S.H. (2009). A new marketing strategy map for direct marketing. Knowledge-Based Systems, 22 (5), 327-335. Kliatchko, J. (2005). Towards a new definition of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). International Journal of Advertising, 24(1), 7-34. Mason, R. B. (2007). The external environments effect on management and strategy: A complexity theory approach. Management Decision, 45(1), 10-28. Munizzo, M.A. Musial, L.V. (2010). General Market Analysis and Highest and Best Use. USA: Cengage Learning, Pride, W., Hughes, R. Kapoor, J. (2014). Foundations of Business (4th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning. Punj, G. Moon, J. (2002). Positioning options for achieving brand association: a psychological categorization framework. Journal of Business Research, 55(4), 275-283. Reynolds, P. Lancaste, G. (2013). Marketing. NY: Routledge

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Alcohol Abuse In American Youth Essays - Alcohol Abuse,

Alcohol Abuse In American Youth It has been stated in each research source that hazing and particularly binge drinking is the most serious problem affecting social life, academic life, and health on college campuses today. The journal article pertaining to this issue, How Harvard's College Alcohol Study Can Help Your Campus Design a Campaign Against Student Alcohol Abuse (CAS: Campus Alcohol Study for short), focuses more heavily on binge drinking and prevention than it does on the Greek system itself. The authors, Wechsler, Nelson, and Weitzman, contend that binge drinking is a nationally recognized problem but has not been studied efficiently enough to warrant effective prevention plans. The purpose of this article is to share with the public the results of a survey representing 50,000 students in 140 colleges, in 39 states. This is the first nationally representative survey of its kind and the analysis of its outcome by the authors of this article has resulted in seemingly sound prevention ideas. To begin interpreting the binge drinking phenomenon, a solid understanding of the term must be presented. Binge drinking is defined by all the articles as consuming five or more drinks in rapid succession (four or more for women) at least once in a two week period. Shockingly, the College Alcohol Study (CAS) found that two out of every five college students binge drink. The authors of this article argue that binge drinking has negative effects not only on the drinkers, but also on the entire student body. The binge drinker might get alcohol poisoning, other related physical injuries, or weakened academic performance, while the non-binging students are subjected to insults, arguments, vandalism, physical and sexual assaults, and loss of sleep due to alcohol influenced peers. The next topic that the article gets into is the different areas that change need be made to lessen the presence of binge drinking and ways in which these changes might be made. The first idea presented is that simply educating students about alcohol abuse and related problems is not effective. The CAS shows that four out of five students have been exposed to anti-alcohol education and still two out of these five binge drink, let alone drink at all. In fact, Wechsler, Nelosn, and Weitzman state that most members of predominant binge drinking groups like athletes and Greek organizations openly admit to being educated in this area. These findings display how ineffective alcohol education on college campuses is. After eliciting what not to do, the Wechsler, Nelosn, and Weitzman show the reader what the simple numbers from the CAS suggest be done. First they explain that the college administration has to realize that they have a lot more student support in the fight against binge drinking than they think. The CAS results showed that more than half of all college students favor more college intervention. This idea leads into the authors' next one, which is the whole idea of marginalizing the serious drinkers. Serious binge drinkers are not aware of their problem and are usually very loud and vocal when protesting anti-drinking policies. These hardcore bingers however, only represent a small percent of all drinkers and an even smaller percent of the student body. The authors suggest that steps be taken to marginalize this small group of heavy drinkers by reversing some misleading policies. Presently alcohol-free dorms are available upon request by students. Wechsler, Nelosn, and Weitzman believe that the alcohol consuming students should have to request separate dorms, not the other way around. The current method creates the illusion that most students consume alcohol and tend to quiet potential anti-alcohol advocates. Lastly, the fact that alcohol is cheap, plentiful and easy to get in college towns creates great appeal to college students. For less than five dollars (half the price of one movie ticket) under age students can purchase enough alcohol to ?drink themselves silly.? In the past, colleges have fought a battle against fake ID's, but now the CAS says that only one in five underage drinkers use and phony ID. The method of choice is to get beer and liquor from older students. ?One third of older students have been asked by underage students to provide them with alcohol, and almost all complied. This is one student

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Soil Component Lab Essays - Land Management, Ecology, Edaphology

Soil Component Lab Essays - Land Management, Ecology, Edaphology Soil Component Lab The purpose of this lab is to separate soil by setting in water to find the % of various components. In this lab I learned a lot. I learned that there is a lot more stuff to the soil than we can see; there is floating leaf litter, Sunken leaf litter, silt and sand all in a jar of soil. However, it takes time to sort itself out and that is why we left it alone for a week so it could separate out into all the different layers. The composition of the soil could effect organisms in the quadrat for many reasons. The composition effects the nutrients. Plants require a certain amount of nutrients to produce what they need to. The nutrients come from the decomposed soil so it has to be the right amount of decomposition that takes place. We have mostly granite rocks in this area and soil derived from granite this effects us and plants in a big way. Granite rocks cause acid rain because of the chemicals that they that they give off into the air. A plant requires a pH of 6.8-7.0. The acid rain will change the pH so that it is not that. Our soil component graph compared pretty much the same with the other graphs in our class. The only thing that was a little bit different was the floating leaf litter at the top of the jar. I think this was just because of the soil that we got and the way we got it. This data effects people in many ways. It effects farmers and people that grow crops the most because their plants need a certain amount of nutrients to grow and produce what they need to produce. If this is different in any kind of way the plants will get either to much nutrients or to little nutrients that will kill it.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Foreign Direct Investment in Burkina Faso Essay

Foreign Direct Investment in Burkina Faso - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that  the host country for FDI stands to benefit in a number of ways in terms of capital formation, export diversification, technology import, management system improvement, and enhanced market competition, infrastructure development to support economic activity, financial sector growth, and markets development.According to the report  FDI is a powerful engine in helping to achieve country objectives such as those about poverty reduction, development, and international integration and it is perceived to be an international investment route that most developed economies have embraced. Low income countries in Africa, for example, have not taken this advantage and are thus being excluded from the globalization benefits of FDI.  Burkina Faso is a landlocked sub-Saharan country located in West Africa. Its population is estimated at more than sixteen million people. Burkina Faso experiences limited rainfall and their natural resources are minimal and there fore it is referred to as one of the poorest countries in Africa. Poor farming activities and the existing drought have ruined the environment resulting in decrease of food stuff. The main export product for Burkina Faso is cotton accounting for about 60% of the country’s total exports, or 5% of GDP.  The country has limited resources and is highly prone to external vulnerabilities because its economy is heavily reliant on imports rather than exports, despite the country entering into intraregional trade liberalization agreements.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Blog - how pop culture can change language Essay

Blog - how pop culture can change language - Essay Example (Safire-blog p.355, Â ¶ 3) Blogging has added another space to the means of communication. In fact other Medias now perceive this new trend as a challenge against their business interests. In an article written in Wall street journal, Peggy Noonan explains blogging as a 24/7 opinion site which offers absolute freedom in expressing personal views, anytime anywhere in the world about anything. (Safire-blog p. 355, Â ¶ 1) Most of the other Medias of communication are not giving such freedom in expressing the personal views. Most of the medias will go through the articles and will do little bit censoring if required, before they approve it for publishing. Thus the article writer may not get absolute freedom in expressing their opinions about a topic in other forms of media compared to blogging. Moreover the blogger gets the freedom of publishing the article instantaneously once it is completed where as in other Medias, publishing of an article will take some time depends on how frequently the media engaged in pu blishing activities. For example, news papers normally will publish once in 24 hours whereas weeklies and monthlies will take much longer time for publication. The greatest concern about blogging has come from the traditional Medias. Because of the immense freedom associated with blogging in expressing and publishing personal opinions, the traditional media looks suspiciously at the growth of blogging. But most probably these concerns are meaningless since most of the people are well aware of the lack of authenticity of matters appear on blog sites. The reliability and validity of information appearing on blogs may not be as good as that appearing on traditional Medias. Personal opinions may not be correct always since it lacks supported evidences. (Safire-blog p.355, Â ¶ 4) In conclusion, blogging is one of the

Monday, January 27, 2020

Roles Of Women In The Fourth Gospel Religion Essay

Roles Of Women In The Fourth Gospel Religion Essay The voice of Raymond E. Brown concerning the Gospels, and especially the Fourth Gospel is an authoritative one. His bold and un-conventional opinions regarding the Gospels and Gospel studies have already made controversies chiefly among the conservative scholars. This article, Roles of Women in the Fourth Gospel is another study of Brown which touches a hot contemporary debate about the role of women in the Church and about the possibility of ordaining women to the priesthood. Though thirty six years have been passed after the publication of this article, still this is a contemporary debate in the Catholic Church, though the Magisterium has infallibly declared the impossibility of womens ordination since it is founded on the written Word of God, and from the beginning constantly preserved and applied in the tradition of the Church. Brown begins his article stating the possibility of different approaches concerning the biblical evidences in this particular debate. One approach that he mentions is a general discussion of first-century ecclesiology found in the NT texts. But he asks whether such evidence about the foundation of the Church and the institution of the sacramentsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ culturally conditioned? The second approach he points out is the discussion of the explicit texts that refer respectively to the equality and the subordination of women in society and cult. He bluntly states that he is not convinced of this discussion, since each text has a counter-text to support or deny. A third approach, that he wishes to follow is considering the general picture of women in the fourth Gospel, and in Johannine community. Before beginning the study he gives a general introduction to the Evangelist and his community. He highlights the peculiarity of the Johannine community, namely the importance given to t he following of Christ and obeying his word, rather than having special ecclesiastical charism from God. Brown starts his discussion saying that we do not have much information about church offices in the fourth Gospel, and about women in church offices. But he says the text of Martha serving at the table (diakonein) has a significance in the historical context (in the 90s) when such a service had been already become a ministry of an ordained person. Except for this one passage, Brown reminds, our discussion will be on the general position of women in the Johannine community. The story of the Samaritan woman is the first one to be discussed. Samaritan woman who perceives Jesus as Christ testifies this to others. The Evangelists comment that the Samaritan villagers believe because of the womans word (4,39. 42: dia ton logon pisteuein), says Brown, is noteworthy because it occurs again in the priestly prayer of Jesus for his disciples: I do not ask in behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word (17,20). Brown writes that the Evangelist can describe both a woman and disciples at he Last Supper as bearing witness to Jesus through preaching and thus bringing people to believe in him on the strength of their word. Then the author deals with the dialogue between Jesus and the disciples soon after the leaving of the Samaritan woman and just before the coming of the Samaritans to Jesus because of what the woman has told them. The important terms like apostellein, to sow, and to reap in this passage are clear proof of the real mis sionary function of the Samaritan woman, Brown states. The story explicates that the woman has sown the seed and thus prepared for the apostolic harvest. Chapter 20 is another example given by Brown to explain that the evangelist gives a quasi-apostolic role to a woman. Seeing the risen Christ is considered to be an integral part of the apostolate (1 Cor 9,1-2; Gal 1,11-16; 1 Cor 15,5; Lk 24,34). In the Fourth Gospel, it is a woman, Mary Magdalene who sees the risen Lord for the first time and is sent by the Lord himself to give the message to his brothers. Brown notes that what she proclaims is the standard apostolic announcement of the Resurrection: I have seen the Lord. She is the apostle to the apostles. In the story of Lazarus, Mary and Martha, the confession of Martha: You are the Christ, the Son of God (11,27) substitutes the supreme confession of Peter which is found in other gospels. Considering the place of women in Johannine patterns, Brown makes another interesting observation. He notes that discipleship is the primary Christian category for John, and the disciple par excellence is the Disciple whom Jesus loved. But in 11,5 we see Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. Another proof is given from Chapter 20 again, where Mary Magdalene recognizes the voice of her master. In an allegorical parable (10,3-5) a disciple is like a sheep who recognizes the voice of its shepherd. Since the sheep are his own (twice in 11,3-5), it is clear that even woman can be in the same category of relationship to Jesus as the Twelve. The second part of the article is dedicated to another important woman in the fourth Gospel, who is none other than the mother of Jesus. After explaining the tradition behind the miracle at Cana in detail, Brown indicates that the evangelist understands the role of the mother in relation to discipleship. This point is clear from the second scene where she appears at the foot of the cross (19,25-27). There are two great symbolic figures whose personal names are never mentioned in the Gospel. The reason, says Brown, is that their primary (not sole) importance is in their symbolism for discipleship rather than in their historical careers. The women, in this Gospel, are first-class disciples by telling that Jesus loved Martha and Mary and that Mary Magdalene was one of his own sheep. The mother of Jesus is given a further important role. She shares with the Beloved Discipleship an equal plane as part of Jesus true family. Brown is sure, after researching the evidence of the fourth Gospel, that the Johannine community valued the following of Christ and there was no difference male and female in that. To end the article, Raymond Brown writes: but even John has left us with one curious note of incompleteness: the disciples, surprised at Jesus openness with a woman, still did not dare to ask him, What do you want of a woman? (4:27). That may well be a question whose time has come in the Church of Jesus Christ. The Magisterium has closed any discussion on the possibility of ordaining women. But this article of Raymond E. Brown convinces his readers that there is still possibility of a discussion about the role of women in the Church as real missionaries and apostles to testify the risen Lord to the whole world. I may end my overview of this article with the words of Brown which he puts in one of his footnotes: At a time when we are engaged in a necessary debate as to who among the baptized can be ordained to priesthood or bishopric, it may be useful to remind ourselves that it remains more important to be baptized than to be ordained, more important to be a Christian than to be a priest, bishop, or pope.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Essay --

The problem is, Starbucks is everywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are, in New York or Bangladesh - there is one guarantee – you will find a Starbucks. So, what’s the problem with Starbucks? How has it gone from being the shop that everybody would meet their friends and to be the company is almost as bad as the McDonald’s? Well, let me explain. It finds its origins in the passion of three friends in Seattle. They started a coffee bean roasting business initially to sell high-quality coffees. Then this guy, Howard Schultz, suggested applying a concept of a socializing, reading, and trendy cafà ©s to Starbucks, after he got inspired by coffee shops in Milan. However, it was rejected, and Schultz boldly left the company and established his own chain believing the concept would bring him success. And he was damn right. Then he bought Starbucks, who foolishly ignored his idea, branched it out into the international market, and became a legend of American success story. Anyway, the point is: I am sick and tired of people chattering about their hatred of Starbucks! What’s more, those people think they are so smart and people who like Starbucks are losers. Before I start attacking those haters and some of you close the tab thinking, ‘I don’t want to be lectured by a typical Starbucks lover’, I have to say, I am NOT a Starbucks lover or hater. So you may move your cursor away from resting on the ‘X’. Who could have imagined a coffee shop becoming a popular target of hatred! It seems pathetic to me how people waste their time and energy on cursing Starbucks, but surprisingly they have a long list of their own reasons. (Google and count how many posts are entitled ‘5 reasons I hate Starbucks’ and even websites made purely to critici... ...d†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is mainly because it familiarizes coffee to locals, bringing coffee as a part of life. Also, it is the â€Å"vain† side of Starbucks that keeps moms and pops alive. High-price, bitter taste, and no discount cards leads some customers to turn away from the massive chain and head to localised shops. No wonder why 57% of America’s coffee shops are mom and pops when Starbucks is restlessly expanding their coffee empire at the same time. I would also like to add, the majority of those mom and pop coffeehouses and some other chains like Gloria Jean’s originated from Starbucks – it set a new successful coffee business model. So haters, admit it. Starbucks is too good. It is your needs and vanity that keep it alive and thriving. Don’t waste your energy on debating about a meaningless subject. If you really cannot stop yourself chattering about it, do your research.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Prince vs. Henry V

The Prince vs. Henry V A comparison of attributes After reading Machiavelli’s The Prince and watching Shakespeare’s Henry V in class, one begins to notice similarities between the authors’ idea of what a â€Å"perfect king† should be. The patterns between the ideal ruler of Shakespeare and the ideal ruler of Machiavelli can be seen in numerous instances throughout this story. For the duration of this essay, I will compare the similarities in both pieces to give the reader a better understanding of how Shakespeare devised his view of what a â€Å"perfect king† should be.One can see an example while looking back on Henry’s youthful experiences. Before taking oath as king, Henry was involved with some scrupulous characters. He would party, stay out all night, and defile his father’s wishes. But after becoming king, Henry shunned this former lifestyle and become the individual of greatness we know today. As Machiavelli stated, â€Å"So a prince should be so prudent that he knows how to escape the evil reputation attached to those vices which could lose him his state, and how to avoid those vices which are not so dangerous, if he possibly can; but, if he cannot, he need not worry so much about the latter.And then, he must not flinch from being blamed for vices which are necessary for safeguarding the state. This is because, taking everything into account, he will find that some of the things that appear to be virtues will, if he practices them, ruin him, and some of the things that appear wicked will bring him security and prosperity. † (Machiavelli) If looked at closely, this is exactly what Henry had done. He used this youthful expression to gain favor with the layperson and look even better when he took the throne.This act of â€Å"smoke and mirrors† worked to his advantage and backs up Machiavelli’s claims. As Machiavelli says, â€Å"From this arises the following question: Whether it is bett er to be loved than feared, or the reverse. The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other; but because it is difficult to combine them, it is far better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both. † (Machiavelli) During Henry’s speech at Harfleur, one can see this point in action.While speaking to the governor, Henry literally scares the people of Harfleur into submission and gains entry to the city without further fighting. This shows a definite similarity in what Machiavelli and Shakespeare view in their leader. As a king, Henry becomes known for being a man of resilience, strategy, and combat. These traits, according to Machiavelli, are necessary to become the â€Å"ideal king. † As stated by Machiavelli, â€Å"†¦a prince ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline; for this is the sole art that belongs to him who rules. (Machiavelli) This can be seen when th e Dauphin presents Henry with a gift of tennis balls and an insulting speech practically telling him to stay out of grown men’s affairs. This gives Henry the leverage he needs to start a war with France without looking like the instigator. He can now put the blame of war on the Dauphin and the many lives of whom will be killed. Henry uses this to move toward his strength and show his full potential. Another example can be seen when Henry has to hang Bardolph for plundering during the invasion of France.Years earlier, while drinking in the tavern, Bardolph had asked Prince Henry this question, â€Å"Do not thou, when thou art king, hang a thief? † Prince Henry replied, â€Å"No, thou shalt. † (Branagh, Scofield and Holm) In this instance, one can see Henry is following his Machiavellian ways. This can be shown in the following passage. Machiavelli states, â€Å"The prince should nonetheless make himself feared in such a way that, if he is not loved, at least he escapes being hated; and the prince can always avoid hatred if he abstains from the property of his subjects and citizens and from their women.If, even so, it proves necessary to execute someone, this should be done only when there is proper justification and manifest reason for it. But above all, a prince should abstain from the property of others; because men sooner forget the death of their father than the loss of their patrimony. † (Machiavelli) Bardolph had been warned of this many years earlier. Henry was just following up on this promise. For this last example, I will quote Machiavelli for almost the last time.He states, â€Å"The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous. Therefore, if a prince wants to maintain his rule, he must learn how not to be virtuous, and to make use of this or not according to need. † (Machiavelli) This can be seen on the night before the last battle. Henry disguises himself as a common soldier by borrowing Erpingham’s cloak and spying on his troops. Henry does this to ensure his troops are mentally prepared and in high morale.What he finds is a mixed morale within his troops and makes him prepare even harder for the upcoming battle. Henry uses this â€Å"cloak† as a tool to find the weaknesses in his army and then exploits them with his inspiring speech before the battle begins. This Machiavellian act could have been the turning point and major reason they won against an outnumbering, French army. As seen throughout the film, the similarities between Machiavelli’s â€Å"ideal prince† and Shakespeare’s â€Å"perfect king† are too many to count.A blend of old and new attributes created this timeless character in which we are still learning from today. One can only hope the few examples given will give the reader a better understanding of were Shakespeare derives his perfect, Machiavellian king f rom. To finish, a famous quote from Machiavelli, â€Å"The end justifies the means. † (Machiavelli) Works Cited Henry V. Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Perf. Kenneth Branagh, et al. 1989. Machiavelli, Niccolo. â€Å"Selections from The Prince. † Matthews, Roy T and F DeWitt Platt. Readings in the Western Humanities. Vol. II. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. 18-21.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Literary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell

Literary Analysis of Animal Farm Although they claimed the farm to be a utopia, the pigs secretly were deceiving their fellow animals and turning the farm into a dystopia. In George Orwell s Animal Farm all of the animals are mistreated by Farmer Jones, but they wish to be treated as equals and live in a utopia so they rebel and take over the farm. The animals first write commandments to avoid chaos, but the leader pigs selfishly modify the commandments in their favor. In the end, the farm is worse off than it was before the rebellion, becoming a dystopia. Animal Farm has many literary elements to better the reader’s understanding of communism during the Russian Revolution, such as symbolism, irony, conflict and allusions. All of the themes that appear in the novel revolve around power, dystopia and equality. Symbolism is a very crucial literary element in Animal Farm and appears in many instances. Symbolism is a literary element that uses objects or characters to represent ideas which adds multiple layers of meaning to the work. Almost every main character represents a capitalist who did business with the Soviet state. For example, Napoleon the pig represents Joseph Stalin who was a Russian Dictator who seized power by deceit, murder, and defeating any of his opponents. Stalin can be compared to Napoleon because Napoleon also overpowered his competitors such as when Napoleon had the dogs chase the pig Snowball off the farm until he, â€Å"slipped through a hole in theShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell1460 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary Analysis of Animal Farm A quote from Wayne Dyer, a late American author and motivational speaker, says that â€Å"[f]reedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.† This promotes the idea that ultimate freedom to control one’s life is the only way to live. One way to achieve this freedom, if not given, is to stage a revolution against authority. In Animal Farm, a novel by George Orwell, parallels are drawn between his characters and theRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell1405 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary analysis of Animal Farm The rebellion was to escape from people and their cruel ways, but can they escape the death-grip of their own kind? The animals of animal farms are mistreated and have no rights. Mr and Mrs. Jones were the owners of Manor Farm, the human oppressors, and authoritarians of the animals. The animals rebel against the Jones and take over the farm. They create a utopian society for themselves, but the utopia quickly turns into a dystopia when the pigs take control ofRead MoreAnimals Take Over in Animal Farm by George Orwell1370 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel â€Å"Animal Farm† by George Orwell, the animals take over the farm and develop their own independent society. Just as it happened during the Russian Revolution of 1917. George Orwell underlies the tension between the oppressed and the exploiting classes between the condescending ideals and harsh realities of socialism. During the course of the literary piece by George Orwell makes it clear how the animals are mistreated by â€Å"Mr. Jones â€Å", because of this treatment they are receiving; OldRead MoreComparision of The Chrysalids and Animal Farm Essay2185 Words   |  9 PagesChrysalids and Animal Farm, which will be compared and contrasted in the following essay, demonstrating the fact that they both target the general audience and not one particular group of readers. The comparison between both novels will be done via the contrast of specific literary elements such as the plot and the moods of the novels, the point of view of the narration and the style of the author, and also via the themes the authors try to convey to their audience through their literary work. ItRead MoreAnimal Farm Film Analysis838 Words   |  4 Pages This essay is a comparative analysis between the film and novel, Animal Farm. Animal Farm was written by George Orwell in 1943 and published on the 17th of August 1945. A motion picture of the novel was later produced on the 29th of December 1954 by director Joy Bachelor. There are many differences and similarities between the novel and film involving the use of characters, symbolism, themes, dialogue and events. Animal farm was a successful novel as the length was 112 pages, therefore the movieRead MoreAnimal Farm Paradox Analysis1013 Words   |  5 PagesPublished Sample Analysis: In this part in Animal Farm, the pigs wish to enact rules that will benefit them at the expense of the other animals on the farm. In one of their rules, a paradox is created whose function is to expose the truth that despite governments claiming to treat everyone equally, they tend to favor certain groups over others. The paradox is created through the statement that some are more equal than others, whic h is a contradicting statement because if some are more equal thanRead MoreThe Russian Revolution And Its Effects On England3342 Words   |  14 Pagespower and corruption is very prominent in the novel Animal Farm. This quote by Lord Acton helps us to gain better insight into this theme. This essay will first provide historical context on the Russian Revolution and its effects on England. This essay will then provide a brief summary of Animal Farm by George Orwell. Finally, this essay will analyze the themes of control and equality in Animal Farm in order to support the idea that Animal Farm allegorically represents the Russian Revolution. ItRead MoreBlack Humor in America2112 Words   |  9 Pagesthe first true film was The Bride of Frankenstein in 1935. Many American black humorists were influenced by black comedy in Britain. Many of todays movies or books today contain elements of British black humor. In America, black comedy as a literary genre came to prominence in the 19 50s and 1960s. Writers such as Terry Southern, Joseph Heller, Thomas Pynchon, Kurt Vonnegut, Harlan Ellison and Eric Nicol have written and published novels, stories and plays where profound or horrific events wereRead MoreGeorge Orwells 19842185 Words   |  9 PagesLiterary Analysis The author of the novel 1984, George Orwell, is a political critic. Therefore, he used very precise descriptions of situations and words to provide the reader a clear understanding of the entity he is criticizing. When Winston describes the destruction of past records to create new ones to Julia, he says: â€Å"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every dateRead MoreLiterary Analysis : An Inspector Calls 2046 Words   |  9 Pagescriticism: examines literature in the cultural, economic and political context in which it is written or received,† exploring the relationships between the artist and society. Sometimes it examines the artist’s society to better understand the author’s literary works; other times, it may examine the representation of such societal elements within the literature itself (Social Criticism) An example of this would be how in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck goes against what society wants Literary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell Literary analysis of Animal Farm The rebellion was to escape from people and their cruel ways, but can they escape the death-grip of their own kind? The animals of animal farms are mistreated and have no rights. Mr and Mrs. Jones were the owners of Manor Farm, the human oppressors, and authoritarians of the animals. The animals rebel against the Jones and take over the farm. They create a utopian society for themselves, but the utopia quickly turns into a dystopia when the pigs take control of the farm. In many ways, Animal Farm is a complete allegorical / fable –like retelling of the founding of the Soviet Union, complete with a rebellion and eventual installation of a dictator. Like the ideological battle that was raged in Russia between the classes, the one that is played out in this novel have many of the same themes, including an initial push to strengthen the working class, a strong beginning movement of nationalism and unity, a series of successful efforts to topple the ruling authority (Mr. Jones), all followed by a complete totalitarian takeover by a dictator who is a hypocrite and goes back on many of the promises he made at the height of the revolutionary action. Body 1: Symbols Throughout Animal Farm, George Orwell uses symbolism to create a figurative level to this novella. On a literal level Animal Farm is about animal on a farm rebelling against their human authoritarians, and living their life on the principles of animalism. On a figurative level, itShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell1460 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary Analysis of Animal Farm A quote from Wayne Dyer, a late American author and motivational speaker, says that â€Å"[f]reedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.† This promotes the idea that ultimate freedom to control one’s life is the only way to live. One way to achieve this freedom, if not given, is to stage a revolution against authority. In Animal Farm, a novel by George Orwell, parallels are drawn between his characters and theRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell1310 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary Analysis of Animal Farm Although they claimed the farm to be a utopia, the pigs secretly were deceiving their fellow animals and turning the farm into a dystopia. In George Orwell s Animal Farm all of the animals are mistreated by Farmer Jones, but they wish to be treated as equals and live in a utopia so they rebel and take over the farm. The animals first write commandments to avoid chaos, but the leader pigs selfishly modify the commandments in their favor. In the end, the farm isRead MoreAnimals Take Over in Animal Farm by George Orwell1370 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel â€Å"Animal Farm† by George Orwell, the animals take over the farm and develop their own independent society. Just as it happened during the Russian Revolution of 1917. George Orwell underlies the tension between the oppressed and the exploiting classes between the condescending ideals and harsh realities of socialism. During the course of the literary piece by George Orwell makes it clear how the animals are mistreated by â€Å"Mr. Jones â€Å", because of this treatment they are receiving; OldRead MoreComparision of The Chrysalids and Animal Farm Essay2185 Words   |  9 PagesChrysalids and Animal Farm, which will be compared and contrasted in the following essay, demonstrating the fact that they both target the general audience and not one particular group of readers. The comparison between both novels will be done via the contrast of specific literary elements such as the plot and the moods of the novels, the point of view of the narration and the style of the author, and also via the themes the authors try to convey to their audience through their literary work. ItRead MoreAnimal Farm Film Analysis838 Words   |  4 Pages This essay is a comparative analysis between the film and novel, Animal Farm. Animal Farm was written by George Orwell in 1943 and published on the 17th of August 1945. A motion picture of the novel was later produced on the 29th of December 1954 by director Joy Bachelor. There are many differences and similarities between the novel and film involving the use of characters, symbolism, themes, dialogue and events. Animal farm was a successful novel as the length was 112 pages, therefore the movieRead MoreAnimal Farm Paradox Analysis1013 Words   |  5 PagesPublished Sample Analysis: In this part in Animal Farm, the pigs wish to enact rules that will benefit them at the expense of the other animals on the farm. In one of their rules, a paradox is created whose function is to expose the truth that despite governments claiming to treat everyone equally, they tend to favor certain groups over others. The paradox is created through the statement that some are more equal than others, whic h is a contradicting statement because if some are more equal thanRead MoreThe Russian Revolution And Its Effects On England3342 Words   |  14 Pagespower and corruption is very prominent in the novel Animal Farm. This quote by Lord Acton helps us to gain better insight into this theme. This essay will first provide historical context on the Russian Revolution and its effects on England. This essay will then provide a brief summary of Animal Farm by George Orwell. Finally, this essay will analyze the themes of control and equality in Animal Farm in order to support the idea that Animal Farm allegorically represents the Russian Revolution. ItRead MoreBlack Humor in America2112 Words   |  9 Pagesthe first true film was The Bride of Frankenstein in 1935. Many American black humorists were influenced by black comedy in Britain. Many of todays movies or books today contain elements of British black humor. In America, black comedy as a literary genre came to prominence in the 19 50s and 1960s. Writers such as Terry Southern, Joseph Heller, Thomas Pynchon, Kurt Vonnegut, Harlan Ellison and Eric Nicol have written and published novels, stories and plays where profound or horrific events wereRead MoreGeorge Orwells 19842185 Words   |  9 PagesLiterary Analysis The author of the novel 1984, George Orwell, is a political critic. Therefore, he used very precise descriptions of situations and words to provide the reader a clear understanding of the entity he is criticizing. When Winston describes the destruction of past records to create new ones to Julia, he says: â€Å"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every dateRead MoreLiterary Analysis : An Inspector Calls 2046 Words   |  9 Pagescriticism: examines literature in the cultural, economic and political context in which it is written or received,† exploring the relationships between the artist and society. Sometimes it examines the artist’s society to better understand the author’s literary works; other times, it may examine the representation of such societal elements within the literature itself (Social Criticism) An example of this would be how in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck goes against what society wants Literary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell Literary Analysis of Animal Farm A quote from Wayne Dyer, a late American author and motivational speaker, says that â€Å"[f]reedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. Anything less is a form of slavery.† This promotes the idea that ultimate freedom to control one’s life is the only way to live. One way to achieve this freedom, if not given, is to stage a revolution against authority. In Animal Farm, a novel by George Orwell, parallels are drawn between his characters and the major figures of the Communist movement. On the Manor Farm, a group of animals long for a break from the oppression of the farmer, Mr. Jones. Lead by the wise boar Old Major, the farm animals stage a revolt and overthrow all humans, taking control and renaming their land â€Å"Animal Farm.† Although at first the society free from humans seems utopian, soon a group of pigs takes harsh control of the others, manipulating them into thinking that life is still perfect. By the end, the power struggle h as gone full circle; pigs and humans are no longer distinguishable. Throughout this novella, the literary elements of irony, symbolism, personification and conflict are present, which convey ideas about Communism, language, and utopian societies. In Animal Farm, many of the characters and items are symbols, and they allude to Communism. For example, Old Major teaches the animals a song to unite them in solidarity against humans, titled â€Å"Beasts of England†. This song alludes to theShow MoreRelatedLiterary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell1310 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary Analysis of Animal Farm Although they claimed the farm to be a utopia, the pigs secretly were deceiving their fellow animals and turning the farm into a dystopia. In George Orwell s Animal Farm all of the animals are mistreated by Farmer Jones, but they wish to be treated as equals and live in a utopia so they rebel and take over the farm. The animals first write commandments to avoid chaos, but the leader pigs selfishly modify the commandments in their favor. In the end, the farm isRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of Animal Farm By George Orwell1405 Words   |  6 PagesLiterary analysis of Animal Farm The rebellion was to escape from people and their cruel ways, but can they escape the death-grip of their own kind? The animals of animal farms are mistreated and have no rights. Mr and Mrs. Jones were the owners of Manor Farm, the human oppressors, and authoritarians of the animals. The animals rebel against the Jones and take over the farm. They create a utopian society for themselves, but the utopia quickly turns into a dystopia when the pigs take control ofRead MoreAnimals Take Over in Animal Farm by George Orwell1370 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel â€Å"Animal Farm† by George Orwell, the animals take over the farm and develop their own independent society. Just as it happened during the Russian Revolution of 1917. George Orwell underlies the tension between the oppressed and the exploiting classes between the condescending ideals and harsh realities of socialism. During the course of the literary piece by George Orwell makes it clear how the animals are mistreated by â€Å"Mr. Jones â€Å", because of this treatment they are receiving; OldRead MoreComparision of The Chrysalids and Animal Farm Essay2185 Words   |  9 PagesChrysalids and Animal Farm, which will be compared and contrasted in the following essay, demonstrating the fact that they both target the general audience and not one particular group of readers. The comparison between both novels will be done via the contrast of specific literary elements such as the plot and the moods of the novels, the point of view of the narration and the style of the author, and also via the themes the authors try to convey to their audience through their literary work. ItRead MoreAnimal Farm Film Analysis838 Words   |  4 Pages This essay is a comparative analysis between the film and novel, Animal Farm. Animal Farm was written by George Orwell in 1943 and published on the 17th of August 1945. A motion picture of the novel was later produced on the 29th of December 1954 by director Joy Bachelor. There are many differences and similarities between the novel and film involving the use of characters, symbolism, themes, dialogue and events. Animal farm was a successful novel as the length was 112 pages, therefore the movieRead MoreAnimal Farm Paradox Analysis1013 Words   |  5 PagesPublished Sample Analysis: In this part in Animal Farm, the pigs wish to enact rules that will benefit them at the expense of the other animals on the farm. In one of their rules, a paradox is created whose function is to expose the truth that despite governments claiming to treat everyone equally, they tend to favor certain groups over others. The paradox is created through the statement that some are more equal than others, whic h is a contradicting statement because if some are more equal thanRead MoreThe Russian Revolution And Its Effects On England3342 Words   |  14 Pagespower and corruption is very prominent in the novel Animal Farm. This quote by Lord Acton helps us to gain better insight into this theme. This essay will first provide historical context on the Russian Revolution and its effects on England. This essay will then provide a brief summary of Animal Farm by George Orwell. Finally, this essay will analyze the themes of control and equality in Animal Farm in order to support the idea that Animal Farm allegorically represents the Russian Revolution. ItRead MoreBlack Humor in America2112 Words   |  9 Pagesthe first true film was The Bride of Frankenstein in 1935. Many American black humorists were influenced by black comedy in Britain. Many of todays movies or books today contain elements of British black humor. In America, black comedy as a literary genre came to prominence in the 19 50s and 1960s. Writers such as Terry Southern, Joseph Heller, Thomas Pynchon, Kurt Vonnegut, Harlan Ellison and Eric Nicol have written and published novels, stories and plays where profound or horrific events wereRead MoreGeorge Orwells 19842185 Words   |  9 PagesLiterary Analysis The author of the novel 1984, George Orwell, is a political critic. Therefore, he used very precise descriptions of situations and words to provide the reader a clear understanding of the entity he is criticizing. When Winston describes the destruction of past records to create new ones to Julia, he says: â€Å"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every dateRead MoreLiterary Analysis : An Inspector Calls 2046 Words   |  9 Pagescriticism: examines literature in the cultural, economic and political context in which it is written or received,† exploring the relationships between the artist and society. Sometimes it examines the artist’s society to better understand the author’s literary works; other times, it may examine the representation of such societal elements within the literature itself (Social Criticism) An example of this would be how in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Huck goes against what society wants